Thor: Love and Thunder's Important Venom Connection Explained


Thor: Love and Thunder's Important Venom Connection Explained

Many have been speculating endlessly about Gorr's "terrifying" weapon that comes with his Marvel Legend's toy figure for Thor: Love and Thunder, but fans of the comics know it as the Necrosword. Not only was this weapon powerful enough to keep up with Thor and every other god in the universe, but its origins were deeply connected to Venom and the symbiotes.

When Gorr and his signature sword debuted in the comics, fans weren't any the wiser about that lore. But, now, fans are discussing whether it would be possible for Marvel Studios to show the Necrosword's elaborate backstory in Love and Thunder or if the sword's symbiote-connected creator will be left a mystery.

How Gorr Found the Necrosword

To understand the Necrosword, one must know how Gorr came to possess it. Recently, it was said by Love and Thunder's director Taika Waititi that Gorr is one of "the most sympathetic villains they've had," so it wouldn't be surprising if Gorr's backstory in the film stays similar to the comics.

So, before being known as the Killer of Gods, Gorr was born on a planet with no name, living every day on the brink of starvation, and has been taught, since birth, always to honor the gods. These gods never answered a single of his prayers.

Even after his parents died from fever and beasts, even after the earth swallowed his pregnant wife, and even after all his children starved, Gorr was still expected to honor and cherish the gods. But Gorr could take no more loss and suffering when his last child died


Gorr shouted to his tribe how there were no gods and how they could only depend on themselves. But, they did not wish to listen, calling him ablasphemer and exiling him to wander their desolate planet alone to die

As Gorr crawled across the burning ground, wishing for death, something crashed into the planet not far from him. Investigating, Gorr found what appeared to be two gods, one in black armor and the other adorned in gold. While the one in black seemed to be dead, a spear through the head, the one in gold still lived and asked Gorr for help, which infuriated him, as the gods did not help him or his family during their desperate times

As Gorr crawled across the burning ground, wishing for death, something crashed into the planet not far from him. Investigating, Gorr found what appeared to be two gods, one in black armor and the other adorned in gold. While the one in black seemed to be dead, a spear through the head, the one in gold still lived and asked Gorr for help, which infuriated him, as the gods did not help him or his family during their desperate times

Incapacitated with a spear through his head, the All-Black abandoned Knull and attached itself to Gorr, who, like Knull, had the same burning hatred for all gods. But, unknown to Gorr, he had unwittingly continued Knull's crusade across the universe, killing any gods he found.

It took centuries, but Knull eventually recovered from his injury and began to experiment with his powers, no longer having the All-Black sword to depend on. As a result of his experiments, symbiotes were created which Knull used to ravage whole worlds.

But, due to actions by Thor half a galaxy away, Knull's connection to his Symbiotes was severed, causing them all to betray and imprison him. For millennia, Knull was put in a cage at the core of what would eventually be known as the homeworld of the symbiotes, Klyntar, until he would one day be set free.

In the meantime, Gorr continued to use Knull's weapon to do what it did best: kill gods.

The Power of All-Black

While it was never named in Thor: Ragnarok, Hela's weapon was called "a" Necrosword by the Collector in the What If...? episode "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" This indicated that there was at least more than one or that the blades spawned were merely copies of the original Necrosword

However, Hela's use of it was pretty limited, especially compared to the comics. The only abilities her Necrosword seemed to show were quickly spawning multiple copies of itself and changing its shape, like when Hela used it to craft an ax for Scurge to use as her executioner

Otherwise, it seems pale in comparison to Gorr's power, even what little fans have seen of him in the MCU.

Just looking at the marketing and merchandise for the Ragnarok sequel, it's already apparent that Gorr's weapon will act far more like its comic counterpart compared to Hela's weapon. Not only can Gorr summon Black Berserkers, unlike Hela, who was forced to resurrect dead Asgardians, but it can also spawn defensive black tendrils too.

As for the comics, the Necrosword instantly augmented its host's strength, durability, speed, and reflexes to that of a god. So, while Hela herself was powerful, Gorr should be expected to display power beyond the Asgardian goddess of death

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